Destination: Cabo San Lucas Bachelorette Party

– Weaver for the Weekend, My Cabo San Lucas Bachelorette Party – 

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My last weekend as a Weaver took place in Cabo San Lucas Mexico, and it was so amazing that I left myself with injuries that had me hobbling down the aisle.  When the bride-to-be is crutching herself around the resort, you know she had a good night!

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With all the great bachelorette parties I’d been to in the past (Palm Desert, Palm Springs, Vegas) I knew I wanted to do something different for mine and Cabo was the natural choice. I spent many spring breaks down there growing up, and it had cocktails, pools, clubs to go dancing, and my best friends… all the makings for an amazing last weekend!

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We arrived at Casa Del Mar Friday afternoon just in time for afternoon cocktails in the pool. We had a pretty mellow first night enjoying dinner at 7 Seas Seafood Grille, an oceanfront restaurant located at the Cabo Surf Hotel. If you are staying on the corridor between San Jose and Cabo this is definitely a good place to eat at, not only is it scenic but the food is great too!

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The resort was slower than normal, so they offered us an all-inclusive package for $60, since we had heavy drinking plans and it included breakfast, lunch and dinner we all opted in for it knowing we would get our monies worth. The morning started with mimosas and water aerobics and quickly transitioned to tequila and horseback rides in the afternoon. I don’t know how we were still coherent for dinner, but I do know that all the couples enjoying their romantic candlelit dinner on the beach were disrupted by us taking tequila shots out of champagne glasses.

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I don’t know how much we drank at dinner all I can remember is Lorenn being carried out by a waiter, and me beginning my list of bridal dares including peeing in the bushes on the way back to the condo and skinny dipping in the pool. I then proceeded to get dressed in my newly purchased mesh beach dress with nothing else on underneath it (reminiscent of that episode of Girls where Hannah was coked out dancing in a yellow mesh shirt). The drinking continued back in the condo as we played a game of “who would be most likely” and finished every last drop of alcohol in the place.

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At that point I should have called it a night like some of the other girls, but Alissa, Kasey and I decided we were going to go out for more drinks. There was no nightlife at the resort so we walked over to the Dreams hotel where we got denied because we didn’t have our IDs. Like really I am 9 years over the legal drinking age but whatever, pissed off we started our journey back to the condo and that’s when it happened…

Instead of walking back along the beach we decided to cut through the rugged ditch between the properties. And just as Alissa told me to watch out I tripped and rolled my ankle. I could barely walk back to the condo and when I woke up the next morning my ankle was double the size and putting pressure on it made me nauseous and had me seeing spots. I was due for a massage at the spa with my sister, but I couldn’t walk down there so she had a golf cart come pick me up. They found me a crutch, not even a pair, which was too tall for me, and I spent the rest of the afternoon hobbling around the resort icing my ankle.

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Having to get back to work my sisters left that evening, and the rest of us went downtown since we still hadn’t been there yet. Sunday night is a bit more mellow so a lot of the places that are usually good were dead. Our first stop was at the Giggling Marlin. It was Kasey’s birthday that night too so I bought her the iconic upside down shot, I couldn’t join in because of my ankle.

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We also checked out Cabo Wabo for a bit, which is normally fun with live rock music, but it was dead so we headed out and had a few shots at the $1 shot places that line the strip.

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Next we headed to a newer club that I had never been to before, the Pink Kitty, because one of the guys we met on the street while playing “Find a Man” gave us a coupon for free bottle service. If you’ve never played, Find a Man is a card game where each girl is given a set of cards with descriptions of men she must find. It varies from pinky ring, to lives at home with his parents, and is super fun! The Pink Kitty was busier than the other two places with a weird mix of old people and gay men, but it was free alcohol and they had a stripper pole, so we had a great time.

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We ended the night at our old standby, El Squid Roe which is a tri-level dance club with a young crowd and waitress that walk around with test tube shots. We closed the place down and it couldn’t have happened soon enough as my ankle was throbbing!

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The next morning we packed up and boarded the plane back to reality, where I would spend the next few days running around getting ready for the wedding. Thank you to my amazing Bridesmaids for an amazing last weekend in Cabo! #WeaverForTheWeekend

That’s my story, (or at least what I’m willing to tell),

xoxo, andrea

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